Plant Rescue Stories: a soon-to-be-trampled California succulent gets a new home

If you follow either of my Instagram feeds (erhubbell or shinrinyokudenver), you may have seen a few posts about a rescued succulent. I found this sad little plant in one of the outdoor common areas at a hotel in San Diego where I was running a conference. Someone had kicked over one of the border plants and it lay in the hot California sun looking worse for the wear. I picked it up and put it in a cup of water then went about my day, assuming it would probably get tossed by the clean-up crew overnight. The next morning, the plant was still in the cup where I had placed it and I took it as a sign that I should try to get it home. The main challenge was that a big snowstorm was headed toward Denver and I wasn’t even certain I was getting home that evening, let alone the plant. I wrapped it in a damp paper towel, placed that in an aluminum tea bag wrapper to keep from drying out, then taped two cups together as a protective container in my suitcase.

We both miraculously managed to get home that evening in spite of delays, closed roads, and icy conditions. I put it in water, gave it a sunny spot in the window, and hoped for the best. To my great surprise, it started showing tiny roots just a few days later.

The roots continued to grow…

…and grow…

…until she was ready for planting – just over a month after bringing her home!

And look at her now! She’s grown so much and seems happy in her new space.

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