The End of Sober Summer and a New Start

Dry January app screenshot showing my Sober Summer progress

It’s the first official evening after the end of my Sober Summer. When I started this, I wasn’t sure what the first day of Fall would look like. Would I treat myself to a congratulatory bottle of Clicquot? Head to my favorite wine bar for a flight of champagne?

As it turns out, these five months have ingrained new habits. I no longer crave bubbly or any alcohol for that matter. I have an after-dinner routine now where I either mix a healthy shrub, pour a kombucha into a champagne flute, or open one of the non-alcoholic beers I’ve come to enjoy. It has even rubbed off on my husband who now only occasionally has a light beer.

And the results? I feel AMAZING. My skin is clearer. While weight hasn’t exactly melted off, I do feel trimmer and lighter and I’ve lost so much inflammation in my face. Best of all is how incredibly calm I feel – even in pretty stressful situations. Would I go back to my life before? Not a chance.

So while I may have a glass on special occasions, I have actually become addicted to feeling awesome. I’m finding it hard to come up with a reason to return to my old habits.

If you’ve never taken a long break from alcohol (that is, more than 30 days), I highly recommend it. You’ll be amazed at how good that reset can feel!

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